Adult Ministry
Growing Together

Small Groups
Our small group ministry is the strategic location for disciples to grow in faith of who they are in Christ, to find belonging and encouragement in grace-centered community, and to be equipped to take the name of Jesus into our local community.
Our vision for small group ministry is:
- KNOW JESUS through Gospel-centered encounters
- BE KNOWN through Christian fellowship, encouragement, and accountability
- MAKE HIM KNOWN through outreach to our local community.

Life Transformation Groups
An LTG is a group of 2-3 people (men with men, women with women) that meets weekly and covenant to do three things:
- Pray together and for one another
- Read Scripture together
- Dig deep into their faith-life through a set of discipleship questions
The structure is easy to follow and helps a group dive quickly into the topics that really matter.
If you’re interested, find one or two other people ready to join you. Once you’ve got your group, reach out to David at
College Ministry
Our College Ministry Is Designed To Support And Encourage College Students And Young Adults.
FaithWorks College Group
Carpool from the library at 6:30 PM. A safe place for all college students from various backgrounds and cultures to discuss world events and life through the lens of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and for Christ-followers to grow in their overall devotion to God and service to others.
Christian Leadership Series
Volunteers provide a meal for a Montreat College athletic team where speakers then share about the servant leadership of Jesus Christ.
International Students
Montreat international students have been a outreach priority for CCCM. Our church family has provided mentoring, housing, food, transportation, and many other items of need. Recently, the MC international students have joined in fellowship with UNC-Asheville at various events.
Being the Church on Campus & Beyond
Meets Sunday morning (10 AM) in Belk to offer practical approaches to reaching out to college students in small and big ways.
For questions on how to connect to the ministry to college students, contact Martha
Women In Ministry

Women in Ministry seek to serve and love God so that His Glory may be revealed among us. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, our task is to equip ourselves to minister in a changing world with the good news of our sovereign God. Our ministry is focused on Bible Study, service within our community and worldwide, supporting each other to bring women into a closer personal relationship with God and opportunities to fellowship.
Women's Ministry Team: Liz Stillwell, Sue Diehl, Jo Haynes, Angie Lisenby, Deanna Sales, Kay Wall, Arla Yeatman
If you would like to stay connected to what's happening in women's ministry, email Liz Stillwell to be added to the email list.
Women's Conference 2025: For Such a Time as This
Click the button to learn more about the upcoming Womens Conference this March 2025.
Women's Circles
Connect with other women in the church through one of our Women's Circles, which meet the second Tuesday of each month.
All are welcome!
Women's Outreach
Here are a few ways the women at CCCM seek to make an impact for the sake of the Gospel in our community.

Blanket Ministry
Women gather weekly to sew blankets and gift them to people in difficult seasons

Prison Ministry
WIM supports Kairos at the Correctional Center for Women here in Black Mountain. Kairos introduces inmates to the forgiving love of Jesus and encourages them to meet weekly to pray for one another. Volunteers regularly offer one-day and a four-day retreats to share the Gospel of Jesus.

Hope for Tomorrow
Volunteer and support the women and their children at the Hope for Tomorrow House
Lending Library
There are many Bible studies (including DVD series) that are available for borrowing. You might want to complete a study on your own or even lead one for other women! Check out these available titles and contact Marcia Salansky.