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What We Believe

What we believe matters. This is true of all of life but especially true in the context of issues relating to God and eternity.

In the Bible we find all the answers to life’s truly important questions. It teaches us about God and His will for us. It also teaches us about ourselves, Jesus, faith and our eternal destiny.

Doctrines are beliefs that lead to action and behavior. There are certain matters that are essential to following Jesus. Some of these essentials are:

We also believe that the Westminster Confession of Faith is an excellent expanded summary of what the Bible teaches. 

See the Evangelical Presbyterian Church (EPC) beliefs for more information.
  • The Bible is the Word of God

    and our only infallible rule of faith and practice.

  • There is only one God

    the Sovereign Creator and Sustainer of all, eternally existing in three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

  • Jesus Christ is fully God and fully man

    He lived a perfect life on earth, died on the cross for our sins, was raised from the dead and is now seated at God's right hand.

  • The Holy Spirit

    convicts, saves, indwells and empowers Christians to live for Christ.

  • Salvation

    is by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone.

  • The true church

    is comprised of all who believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

  • Jesus will physically return

    In the future, Jesus will physically return to earth as King.

  • Jesus commands all believers

    to share His Gospel until He returns.

Staff, Elders, & Deacons

Lead Staff

Rev. Richard White
Senior Pastor
Rev. David Taylor
Pastor of Discipleship and Mission
Rev. Luke Ozmint
Interim Pastor of Youth and Family
Kris Bartman
Director of Music and Worship Arts

Program Staff

Rob Schermerhorn
Director of Congregational Care
Chelsey Parker
Director of the Montreat Morning School

Support Staff

Marcella Calloway
Youth and Family Administrative Assistant
Teresa Cox
Church Administrator
Susan Dean
Sondra Kraak
Music Administrative Assistant / Accompanist
Jacob Keefer
Communications Coordinator
Lynn Miller
Office / Building Manager
Linda Robinson
Church Hostess
Jake Wetzel
Maintenance Manager



Tony Horning

Karen Collins

Larry Harris

Dan Newcomer


Lloyd Davis

Russell Boardman

Patti Stump

Katherine Counce


Kevin Auman

Bill George

Alex Miller

Lebo Wall



Blair Lisenby

Angie Lisenby

Dan Cordell

Ann Maddox

John Collins

Allen Crawford


Allen Arcand

Bob Brown

Stephen Schermerhorn

Elaine Peterson

Jonathan Dameron

Chip Mims

Pam Mims


Jim Bowers

Nathaniel Guffey

Beth Kraft

Richard Klessig

Kent Ryburn

Scott Wilhelmi